
Subnautica 2 screens
Subnautica 2 screens

subnautica 2 screens

Thankfully, it is possible to do just this if you pay a visit to the Aurora’s Drive Room. Though you have a Radiation Suit equipped, I hope, it would still be nice to stop the radiation from leaking out into the sea, and generally make your exploration easier. While there are quite a few medpacks on the Aurora, it can still be easy to die if you get cornered by these critters. As for the Cave Crawlers, a few slashes from your Survival Knife will do the trick, though be wary of any retaliatory strikes. Plenty of fires can simply be avoided, too. The fires can be extinguished with one of the many nearby fire extinguishers, or smothered with objects using the propulsion cannon. Both dangers are relatively easy to handle if you keep your wits about you.

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The first two obvious dangers are the raging fires and the crab-like Cave Crawlers that scuttle about the deck. In short, the search for the Aurora door codes isn’t going to be easy. To make matters worse, nearly the whole ship is aflame, and much of what isn’t is flooded or covered in obstacles. Not only will you have encountered the ship’s scaly bouncer, but you’ll be faced with a bunch of aggressive critters on board. The first thing you’ll notice when you enter subnautica’s Aurora is just how dangerous the ship is. Dangers of searching for the Aurora door codes Once you’ve snapped up all the goodies, it’s time to start looking for the Aurora codes. That only includes the stuff that isn’t protected by the Aurora codes.


You can find upgrade modules, Prawn Suit fragments, Cyclops fragments, collectibles, assorted items and resources, and lore items. You should be thorough, as the inside of the ship contains not only the Aurora codes, but a load of other valuables too. You’ll have a few different paths leading inside to explore, with a bunch of different compartments and rooms to check out. You’ll be able to slip into an exposed and flooded deck area, with a ramp leading up and into the Aurora proper. For the safest route inside the Aurora, stick close to the port side of the ship, and follow it to the partially submerged bow. Once the Aurora melts down, which your PDA will notify you about, your exploration of the Aurora can begin.

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Afterward, you can explore the Aurora and its surroundings without the Radiation Suit. Once they’re fixed, the radiation will dissipate automatically, taking up to three in-game days depending on how soon you started repairs. Ten damaged parts of the core need to be fixed, with a fair few being submerged. More importantly, you’ll need a Repair Tool to fix up the Aurora’s drive core, which is the source of the radiation leak. There are a few electronic locks you’ll need to fix, helping you navigate the Aurora’s insides easier and access those all-important Aurora codes. To build it, you’ll need one piece of titanium, one silicon rubber, and one cave sulfur. Unsurprisingly, it fixes things that are broken, and the Aurora has no short supply of those. The Repair Tool is the final mandatory tool you need before you can properly explore the Aurora. If you have one, a Repulsion Cannon will also work perfectly, though it’s a little more expensive to build if you don’t have one already. To build it, you’ll need a wiring kit, a battery, and one piece of titanium. Given the Aurora’s unplanned landing, debris is scattered all about the interior and blocking some areas on the exterior. To easily acquire the Aurora codes, you’ll need a Propulsion Cannon to move about the interior properly. It’s a little more expensive to make, with the recipe requiring two diamonds, one cave sulfur, one titanium, and a battery. You’ll need the Laser Cutter to force your way into closed rooms in the Aurora, as well as other areas in Subnautica. As a side note, the suit is no longer required once you repair the Aurora’s drive core, which I’ll get to later. While you can switch out each piece of gear for another, you’ll need all three equipped to explore the Aurora safely. These materials will earn you three bits of gear the Radiation Suit, Radiation Gloves, and Radiation Helmet. The recipe is pretty simple, needing only two fiber mesh and two lead. Without it, you won’t get anywhere near the Aurora, let alone the Aurora codes. The most important bit of gear you need is the Radiation Suit. If you need a hand with getting your inventory together, then I’ve got you covered.


If you’re already suited up, feel free to skip this next section. The Aurora has seen better days, and you’ll need some gear to move about the ship properly.

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Before you venture into the ship to look for the Aurora codes, you should first stock up on some equipment.

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